My kids think its cool that I write about my experiences, and they no longer look at the computer as my 4th child. They aren't fans of email, but they distinguish between when I write about topics that matter to families, vs. "mommy work" and my professional website. They are so interested in my run ons, that they ask from time to time - "how many people are listening " to what you write. I typically say 2.
However, in recent months I have found hundreds more people visiting. I was happy to say the least, but saddened that they didn't leave comments or just a thought about a particular topic. Imagine my surprise when upon more investigation I found that my mother rants and cute kid pics were not the source of the attention - it was USHER. See, a few weeks ago crazy hip blog mamas got many of us to talking about our confessions- the things we do that we said some years ago, "I will never..." And "my confessions" came with a little picture that gives, well, some visual motivation too. Behold, hundreds of people stumbled upon my thoughts who were intending only to spend time with said R&B star.
Yet, I'm a good mommy blogger because.....
1. Once you are here you'll stay around a bit. Now granted, I have nothing to do with how you found me, but once you are here, you can find humor, essential parenting tips, some spiritual renewal and adult conversations for 2.
2. My kids are interested in what I write about. I'm not up at 2 a.m. in the office, my kids know that I'm writing about our experiences together, and are miffed when politics or business take center stage. They have also been prompted to write more too.
3. I highlight information and blogs that are very interesting, not just my own stuff. A few of my referrals have come from my new blog community, and I'm focused on sharing ideas, interesting people, business, and women who have an authentic voice to share. (I play well with others.) This isn't true for the masses in my experience.
4. My kids are cute. Usher is a fine young man, but I'm grooming two Godly fellas and a Spiritual princess with King Dad who isn't so bad himself most days. Let's hear it for the next generation of life (vs. eye) candy....more than meets the eye, and prepared to change lives.
Lastly, I'm a good mommy blogger because I use words for fuel. My blog often prompts me to action and doesn't just "rant" about other folks. My goal with all of this is to be better tomorrow than I am today. Thanks for sharing the journey. I hope you are prompted to do something, anything, after reading a few of my entries.
And for the 200 Usher fans that stumble upon my site daily, I really do appreciate the 28.9% of you that stay for 15 minutes longer. Surely you can leave me a note and say hi - I appreciate the traffic, although I know its undeserved.
Oh, and the picture is of prince 1 ....I'm starting his fan club early, LOL.
I have often thought about not putting so much detail into my blogging, and then I realized that that is what people read blogs for - the dirt about the writer behind the blog. Blogging is a valuable tool not only to unleash the rants and vents, but also to convey the agenda we would like to help the cause of!
lol It makes me craazy when I get lots of folks to my blog and they all leave without a peep! So here I am, saying hi, nice to meet you! I love the title of your blog ... I think that's what we all are, essentially - even when we are all "grown up" - we're still works in progress. Perhaps it's something we need to realize instead of (like I do alot) waiting for who we are to be "finished". Hmmm... it's awfully early to be coming to realizations LOL
In any case, hi and I'm glad you commented on my blog as well and again, nice to meet you!
Isn't it funny what can drive visitors to one's blog? I wrote a little nothing post about the Duggars expecting their 17th child a couple months ago and it's still one of my top keyword drivers.
Your children are beautiful BTW!
The pic is very cute....Leaving comments really makes the day for bloggers. So here I go...Do keep up your good work and indeed you are a darn good mommy blogger !!
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