Sunday, January 13, 2008

Politics of Race

Prior to this presidential election, I didn't have some strong feeling one way or another about Hillary Clinton. As a wife and mother, I at times felt bad for her, and at times admired her professional decision to pursue a career she loves. When Barack put his hat in the race, I didn't give him a signing endorsement. Being a conservative about many matters, I don't agree with many of his liberal Democratic views. In any event, I didn't want the issue to be one of race, when it came to determine who I would support. My issues are broader than race, my support not determined any more by my ethnicity as it would be by my gender. Early on my comments to other voters was simple, don't vote FOR or AGAINST Barack because he's African-American. Evaluate the candidates. But I'm starting to really wonder what has the sorry Clinton Camp done this time.

Bob Johnson who founded BET can't advise most people with an ounce of sense about anything related to race. While he may be a billionaire, he did so at the expense of Blacks, with his BET sanctioned buffoonery with lack of intelligent programming for decades. Anyone who would follow his support for Clinton is plain nuts.

So, as I had intended to get back to my mommy rants this day - I just can't . I have to wonder out loud who it is that believes this political piranha, Who wants this slippery master of negative campaigns to represent them? I surely don't. She has played the race card, pandered at any Black church that will have her, and rode the crazy idea of Clinton as the first Black president to an all time low. As Bill became her New Hampshire attack dog, I was heartened to see Barack focus on business as usual. While she was busy talking about what role a president has, she evidently allowed and/or authored the comments that have angered so many. On the eve of celebrating Marting Luther King Day, I have to wonder - how many of us are really embracing our responsibility to go beyond the media reports. The Democratic play book is broken if anyone believes that this slippery, deceptive, ill advised and insulting performance of the Clinton's won't have a backlash in the election.

If she gets the nomination, it assures the Republican's an easier win - as the Black vote they don't solicit, becomes theirs by default. The problem with an African-American candidate of the caliber, demeanor, focus, education and promise of Obama - is that he has attracted many people to the political debate for the first time. The debate, mind you, not the voting booth. For those of us who may not be on the immediate Democratic radar screen - recognize that our votes go both ways. And, we the under represented and often times taken for granted - are doing our research on McCain and others too. Hillary is not untouchable. Her foul cries may have others wondering in November, what happened to the destined White House. The women I'm talking to, sipping Starbucks with, chatting at church and scheduling playdates with - we're going to vote for CHANGE one way or another. Think about it.

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