Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I know that the title is awful - it was intended to be that way. The title of this post is about as awful as the state of politics here in this country. We give short investigation and lots of lip service to everyone in the public eye. We focus more on the panties of pop stars than the state of the union - even when nothing worth hearing is being said. The problem with politics isn't just the politicians, it is in my opinion, the people in our nation who woulr rather complain and sing the party line - instead of really deciding what is in the best interest of our nation.

I like Barack Obama, I think he has a lot to offer. I don't support his view on the right to choose - I think we should make that decision before we lay down, not after. However, I'm frustrated when conservatives indicate that we are riding the Obama band wagon because he's Black. I don't care what the issue is, we some how find a way to indicate that Black voters aren't really smart because we:

1. Don't Vote

2. Don't Care
3. Are Sold Out to the Democrats
4. Don't Read
5. Don't Research

The list could be endless. I try to do my part - and I reach and touch everyone who will listen, so that they can engage too. The reality for me, is that I want to hear Barack's voice at the table. I want him to have the resources and the platform to make everyone at the table work harder for their votes. I want to see him in the race because I believe he can win and I believe he has much to offer. The reality is - I don't get my information from one source. ( I have been accused of listening to NPR as my only source of information.) I read, I research, I investigate, and I pray that others will to. This isn't about the perfect solution, it is about the dialogue and the tenacity to win. I fundamentally believe Barack has nothing to lose.

When people try to aimlessly place me in a box it is equal parts frustrating and funny. I am clear what I believe but I don't find it necessary to defend. I don't vote the democratic ticket or the republican ticket because I find both parties painfully inept. I do, however, vote for people who are more closely connected to the issues that matter to me and my family. I care about the environment, but it isn't a deal breaker. The fate of our nation while at war in a time where leadership is desperately needed - that is a deal breaker for me.

I care about public education alternatives - even though my children are in private school. I don't know how long we'll continue to make that choice, but every child in our nation has a right to a quality education. Right now, in neighborhoods all across America, education is failing our children. I have an aunt who is a principal and she puts on God's armor everyday to address the many parents, unions, budget constraints, learning disabilities, apathetic stakeholders, etc. that exist. She is dynamic, caring, articulate and committed to our children. There is no one solution - but I know that we can not continue on this road.

I care about the future of Social Security and universal health care. During a time when our family was at financial turmoil to the 9th power - we had to pay Cobra for a family of 5 for several months. There is no such thing as working class, middle class, or professional class. You are either part of the haves or have nots, and the middle area is very, very small and subjective. There is probably only one thing I agree with Tavis Smiley on - the term working poor should be erased from our language. If you work every day of your life, you should not be poor. I digress.

Barack gets his share of attention for many, many reasons. Watching people explain why he isn't really Black is just a real case and point about where we are in 2007. He is indeed a Black male running for the highest office in our nation. However, like Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith -- I hope his future is decided by his character, his ability and his decision to play the game differently. For whatever the reasons are that make him "have the it Hollywood quality" - what we can most assuredly do is donate to his campaign, expand the dialogue and communicate with his campaign in a way that matters. Hillary should not assume that she has the Black vote, any more than Barack should. However, if I was a betting woman - my next 100 emails will not be to encourage my friends and peers to send her a thin dime. She has a platform, she has a following, she has the belief of mainstream Dems that she might be able to do it. I, quite frankly, want to make sure that Barack has that same chance.

Experience and track record in this dialogue is overrated. I believe not in his stance on every issue - I believe that Barack deserves a national platform to express his ideas and his vision for the future. What Barack does does with his chance will then be up to him.





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